Sunday, March 21, 2010

Birthday Gift for a Friend

I'm making a gift for a very close friend of mine. Her birthday is April 8th, and I know I'll have to work very hard to make sure that gift is ready by then.

The gift is an 1000-piece puzzle that I just bought a few days ago. So far I've finished the edges (with 3 pieces still missing).

The picture is of an elegant looking woman. After I finish it I will frame it.

I hope she will like it when she receives it.

I think friends are like the perfectly matching pieces in a puzzle. You have to find the right one for you. And you also have to make sure that you are the right one for someone else.

March 21st to March 27th


"Though miles may lie between us/we are never far apart, for friendship doesn't count miles/it's measured by the heart"

What do you do to strengthen your friendship with another person?

-Make the call/send the email you've meant to for weeks

-Remember his/her birthday

-A surprise gift (if they ask why you are giving it to them, say "Just because...")

-Say "NO" to gossip

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

"The day is long but the year is short."

I read the above quotation from a book, and it really made me start thinking.

I haven't been having a good time lately, mostly because I've been so far behind on a lot of stuff, and it drives me nuts.

When I feel my energy is running out, I would listen to a song. It's in Mandarin, and the title (translated) is "Dragon Becoming".

Some of the lines in the lyrics really make me feel stronger. Maybe it's an identity thing?

(No I'm not having an identity crisis)

BTW spring is here!!!!!! I was soooo happy to see some of my students playing in the Foley Field today. They were all bathing in bright sunlight, and they all looked really cheerful. (I recognized Adil, Teona and Anne. Who else were there? There werw a few more.)

Life is good man... life is good!


Friday, March 12, 2010

hmm...[Theme: Boost Energy]

-Wake up and Yawn until your next door is up!![next day he/she might blast music back with 450Watt speaker,so....just watch out...]
-Cold shower or face-wash
-Write down things I want to do or inspired
-Take a look at old photos?
-Maybe, Youtube it in case you have a video!!
-Find myself something funny like or FML (: [but i have't really read those for while)
-Fast-paced song
-Sing-along(but i play along)
-Sleep like tomorrow you probably have big assignment due at 9 a.m. and bother your friends next door to help out your assignment from 12am till 6am.
-Do or say something random to your friends/housemates...just see their reaction...


Happiness B2 Style

Fellow Bees

The only way to actually be happy is to fulfill your day with things you want to do or accomplish, For instance after class I went to play pool at the rez center, something I was looking forward to all class, you set a goal by saying "I'll go play pool if only I pay attention for the whole class" it's something to look forward to which makes that experience event more enjoyable.

How else should one be happy? Eating pancakes late at nights, fifa games and staying up so late your asking yourself if theres a reason to sleep anymore. Thats the B2 way and most likely the only way.

Adil Kanji

Happiness vs.

What did I really do to boost my energy today? I slept in. It was intentional. I like to prioritize my life, and today class came second. Stumbling down to the kitchen I thought orange juice would be a good idea, so I poured myself a glass in the only remaining glass of the 4 I bought in September. Dollarama FTW! Did I then pop one of Rachel's vitamin C tablets? She left them on the counter between our half-full 10kg bag of flour and that black plate that isn't even ours. I think that means they are a free for all for whoever's feeling under the weather, and well, I was.
So there you have it. Babs + Boosting Energy = Really good sleep + Rachel's vitamin C (At this point, I'm really sorry if you didn't want me to take one of them Rachel).

Do I like this blog? So far, yes. I have a question: The tagline for this blog makes reference to how happiness is the most important thing in life. Really? What if your happiness is coming at the expense of someone else? Who is to say you're more important? Isn't there something noble in making someone else happy, even if you have to sacrifice for it?

March 14th to March 20th

Theme: Boost Energy

What are some of the simple things that we can do to boost our energy?

-Go out for a short walk.

-Go to bed half an hour early.

-Eat regularly, three meals a day.

-Act the way we want to feel--> more energetic.

What have you done today that helped boost your energy level?
